Discounts of up to 40% are available on many of our products! Call today to find out more!
Last day to order for delivery before Christmas is pre-1pm Thursday 19th December 2024. We open again 2 January 2025.


Here at Topline Pools and Wellness, we are coming up with ways to give your customers that extra bit of reassurance during these challenging times. When places begin to reopen, your customers are going to want to know that they are going to be safe and this product will ensure that they are. 

Our UVC-450 robot is the go-to front-line weapon against Covid-19 and beyond...

The system incorporates proven UVC light sterilisation technology from Phillips. The faultless sanitisation technology guarantees to eliminate 99% of lingering Covid virus cells from floor to ceiling.

UVC is the only way to neutralise and eliminate harmful pathogens, bacteria and viruses from every single surface and touchpoint.

Call us on 01772 617063 for more information and we will be happy to help!


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